Fact File - Burrowing Badgers!

An introduction to badgers

Badgers are furry, burrowing creatures. They have huge underground networks of tunnels, one network for each family. These are called territories.  A territory is very big. They can stretch to 1000 metres long and 500 metres wide. You can understand that badgers have huge homes! There territories are split into a few sections. They are: the main sett and the smaller setts.


The main sett

In the main sett, the badgers breed. A group of their babies are called a litter. They stay here for most of their lives and the main sett has a bigger entrance than the other smaller setts. Even on the inside, the main sett is the largest of all the setts. That is why it is called the main sett


The smaller setts

The smaller setts are quite useful to badgers. They have two uses. Badgers stay here in Summer and Autumn. This the time when food sources are high. They may get some food, then nip in here and have a nap. Another way badgers use the smaller setts is that when they are under attack, they may go into one of the smaller setts to stop being eaten


Fun facts

1.     Badgers separate their territories from other ones by pooing around their own territory.

The tunnel networks are extremely complex.
Badgers are the biggest burrowing animals in the UK


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